Teaching activities (summer 2021/22, in Polish)

The Division is responsible for teaching general physics at three departments of the Warsaw University of Technology: Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Production Engineering, Faculty of Automobiles and Civil Machinery Engineering. Courses for regular and external students are composed of lectures and tutorials. In addition the physics laboratory is offered at two levels. The physics courses in English at Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences and Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology are also taught by members of the Division. The professors of the division teach the Foundations of Physics course for students of physics at the Faculty of Physics. In addition general and specialized courses are offered by members of the division for students of the Faculty of Physics: introduction to solid state physics, solid state physics, superionic conductors, new sources of energy, methods of materials' characterization. The students get in touch with the scientific research in the division while working on selected projects as part of the BSc and MSc theses. The Division offers master thesis projects in the field of solid state ionics. The postgraduate students are welcome to complete their PhD theses working on various aspects of ionics.

The members of the staff are authors of a few academic textbooks (available in Polish only):

  1. J.E. Garbarczyk, "Wstęp do fizyki ciała stałego", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warsaw, 2017.

  2. J.E. Garbarczyk, M. Wasiucionek, T.K. Pietrzak, "Zadania i przykłady z fizyki", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warsaw, 2017.

  3. W. Bogusz, "Elementy fizyki ciała stałego", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warsaw, 2016.

  4. W. Bogusz, J.E. Garbarczyk, F. Krok, "Podstawy fizyki", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej.

  5. W. Bogusz, F. Krok, "Elektrolity stałe - właściwości elektryczne i sposoby ich pomiaru", Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne.