About me

Ph.D. in High Energy Physics - Heavy Ion Physics - Wasaw Univeristy of Technology

Work: Faculty of Physicis, Warsaw University of Technology, assistant professor
in Heavy Ion Reaction Group (HIRG) w Nuclear Physics Division (VII), Wasaw Univeristy of Technology.

Academic field: High Energy Physics, Particle Physics, Heavy Ion Physics,Modeling of Nuclear Processes, Computer simulation methods, MC simulations, Information Sciences

Research: Study of the collective properties of strongly interacting matter described by the relativistic hydrodynamic model, analysis of resonance production on NA49 and NA61/SHINE experiments data.

Specialization: Computer physics, computer interfaces, measurement systems, experiments software, operating systems, OpenGL/WebGL, CUDA/GPU, MPI.

Interests, among other: software engineering, software and database architecture using UML, distributed networks, SOA systems, RDMS systems, ETL systems, XML data exchange languages, data harmonization, web technologies.