May 19, 2024, Sunday, 139

KADD 2022 Laboratorium 1 EN

From Łukasz Graczykowski

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Documentation of the ROOT environment:


1. Write a macro, which:

  • creates an object fun1 of type TF1 representing a sin(x) function (see class TMath)
  • creates an object fun2 of type TF1 representing a cos(x) function
  • creates a window with 4 panels (panel distribution 2x2) - see class TCanvas and method Divide
  • draws the fun1 object on panel 1, fun2 on panel 2, and two functions simultaneously on panel 3
  • changes the color of the line of function fun2 to blue - see method SetLineColor and class TColor

2. Let's imagine we throw a dice that is asymmetric. The table below summarizes the results:

Number of pips 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of throws 2 1 5 4 10 12

We modify further the macro:

  • let's create a histogram (see class TH1D) by filling each bin (which corresponds to each dice facet) with values from the table (number of throws) - the histogram should be plotted on panel 4
  • create a plot, called graph (see class TGraph) according to values from the table.
  • change the style of graph points (see method SetMarkerStyle and class TAttMarker)
  • draw the graph in a separate window


  • Attention! In order to run ROOT environment on your student account in the laboratory, you have to add the following lines (if they were not added already) to the file $HOME/.bashrc (they could had been added during the PTI class):
 export ROOTSYS=/opt/root
 export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin
  • the ROOT environment is installed separately on each computer - it is not available on the server
  • in the ROOT environment we write macros, which have extensions .c, .C, .cpp, or .cxx
  • a macro contains a C++ code interpreted line-by-line
  • in principle, we do not need to include any libraries
  • example 1:
    double x = 5;
  • execution of a macro: start the environment (command root), type .x macro.C
  • macro can also contain funkcje, example 2:
int macro()
    double x = 5;
    return 1;
  • name of the macro must be the same as the name of the main function in the macro (in order to run it with the command .x macro.C)
  • macros can contain more functions - during the macro execution the one which will be run is that which name corresponds to the macro name (the equivalent of the main function in standard C++)



  • window 1

Lab1 1.png

  • window 2

1 2.png