Editor: Janusz Oleniacz
Nuclear Physics Division - Groups and Persons

Group Manager :Associate prof. Jan Pluta

Adress: Koszykowa 75, 00-662, Warsaw,  Poland, phone: 660 7343, fax of faculty: 628 2171, pluta@if.pw.edu.pl  

 Persons address.:   City phone:  660****   Mail:   ****@if.pw.edu.pl  WWW:  http://www.if.pw.edu.pl/****
 where **** is a code of the definite person (look of the list below)
The all rooms of the Division workers are in the Physics Building ; the central territory

The Division is formed with four Groups:
In the next part the Group ("Gr") will be identify by its number.

1.  Atomic Nucleus Structure Group
Group Manager: Dr Piotr Magierski, magiersk@if.pw.edu.pl, phone: +22 660 7668

Subject : The investigation of the super heavy, deformed, fast rotating , with the large excess of the neutron or proton nuclei structure; the investigation of the collective excitations in the fermions systems; the investigation of the nuclear matter property in the neutron stars.

Workers Phone Room Mail Note / WWW
Dr Wanda DUDEK 7668 226 wanda
Dr. hab. Piotr MAGIERSKI


 7668 226 magiersk Seminar www.if.pw.edu.pl/~magiersk
Post-graduate students        
mgr. inż. Rafał NOWAKOWSKI 7668 226    
mgr inż. Krzysztof ZBERECKI 7668 226    
M.A. candidates        



2. Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetic Investigations Group
 Group Manager: Dr Jan GRABSKI  grabski@if.pw.edu.pl,  tel: +22 660 7667

Subject: The investigation of the Moessbauer effect, of the conducting and the Hall effect and the magnetic property of the nano cristalline foiles and the powder materials; the calculating of the electron structure of the solid body.

Workers Phone Room Mail Note/WWW
Dr inż. Przemysław DUDA 7667 223, 2 mailto:duda@if.pw.edu.pl WWW, polish version
Dr inż. Radomir KUPCZAK  5295 315  kupczak www.if.pw.edu.pl/~kupczak
Dr. Jan GRABSKI 7667  223, 2    
Dr inż. Janusz OLENIACZ 7668     WWW-Persons,  ~oleniacz
prof. Dr hab. Włodzimierz ZYCH  5439 226 zych WWW - Division history
Post-graduate students        
mgr.inż. Paweł STĘPIEŃ        
M.A. candidate        


3. Nuclear Radiation Physics Group
Group Manager: prof. dr hab. Bronisław SŁOWIŃSKI   slowinski@if.pw.edu.pl , tel: +22 660 5039

Subject: The physical bases of  nuclear energetic; the properties of the electromagnetic cascades, the elastic scattering of the relativistic ions on the atomic nucleus in the eikonal approximation.

Workers               Phone Room Mail Uwagi/WWW

prof. dr hab. Bronisław SŁOWIŃSKI

 5039 132E  slowinski Seminar
Post-graduate students        
M.A. candidate        


4. Heavy Ions Reactions Group
Group Manager: prof. nzw. dr hab. Jan PLUTA  pluta@if.pw.edu.pl,  tel: +22 660 7343

Subject: The investigation of the time-space development of the heavy ions reactions by the correlation analysis of the hadrons emitted with the close velocities ; the investigation of the strange particle production, the computer simulation of the relativistic nuclei with Monte Carlo methods using; the participation in E286 (GANIL), STAR (BNL) and ALICE (CERN) experiments; elaboration, implementation and coordination at the data base (DCDB) exploiting for the construction of the ALICE detector, the works on the data aquisition system (DAQ) for strip semiconductor detectors (SSD).       

Workers Phone Room Mail Note/WWW
dr Krystyna MILLER 7375 117b miller@ceti.pl WWW- english version
dr Tomasz PAWLAK 7343 117d  pawlak Finances, ~pawlak
dr Wiktor PERYT 7343  117d  peryt WWW- Conferences
prof. nzw. dr hab. Jan PLUTA 7343 117c   pluta WWW-whole ~pluta
dr Krystyna WOSIŃSKA 7375 117b  wosinska WWW-papers, ~wosinska
Post-graduate students        
mgr inż. Zbigniew CHAJĘCKI  7375 117b chajecki   
mgr inż. Michał JANIK  7375  117b  janik  
mgr inż. Adam KISIEL  7375 117b kisiel   
mgr inż Piotr LESZCZYŃSKI     leszczu  
mgr inż. Piotr SKOWROŃSKI 71995, 72771 Bld.13, R-012 Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch  Aktualnie w CERN
mgr inż. Marcin SŁODKOWSKI  7375 117b slodkow  
mgr inż. Agnieszka STARANOWICZ  7375 117b starana  
mgr inż. Piotr SZARWAS  7375 117b szarwas  
M.A. candidate        
Grzegorz GAŁĄZKA     ggalazka  
Hanna GOS     gos  
Patryk GUTOWSKI     gutowski  
Maciej JEDYNAK     jedynak  
Artur KIELISZEK     arturk  
Tomasz LIWIŃSKI      liwinski  
Małgorzata ŁUKASIK     lola  
Adam MALISZEWSKI      mali  
Jakub RADZIMIŃSKI     devean  
Marek SZUBA     cyberman  
Tomasz TAŁUĆ     ttaluc  
Grzegorz WROŃSKI     wronski  
Daniel KIKOŁA     kikola  
Emilia LUBAŃSKA     emila  
Mateusz RZEPKOWSKI     mat  
Marcin ZAWISZA     zawisza