N 52° 13’ 17.8” E 21° 00’ 26.1” 135m over mean sea level actualization every 5 min mobile version |
Davis Pro2 mounted by ECOCLIMA (1.02.2007) |
Sunrise 7:36 | Last conditions (CET=UTC+1:00): 2024-12-12 8:35 | Sunset 15:23 | |||||
Temperature | Wind chill |
Humidity | Atmospheric pressure |
Wind with direction |
UV Index | Solar Radiation | Rain |
°C | °C | % | hPa | m/s
up to 0.0 m/s |
Low |
W/m2 | l/m2 last hour |
Week's temperature, wind chill [°C] | Week's atmospheric pressure [hPa] |
Week's humidity [%] |
Week's wind speed [km/h] with direction N NE E SE S SW W NW |
Week's 5 minut sum of rain [l/m2] | Week's UV index |
© 2007-2024 WF PW: dr in¿. Waldemar Bajdecki, | dr in¿. Radomir Kupczak |